hand-made lemons compote without coloring or preservatives with more than 65% of fruit. made of artisan lemons without coloring or preservatives with more than 65% of fruit. The farm produces lemons from the beginning of September until the end of March. This is the month in which we produce the lemon compote, from juicy and untreated lemons.
hand-made lemons compote without coloring or preservatives with more than 65% of fruit. made of artisan lemons without coloring or preservatives with more than 65% of fruit. The farm produces lemons from the beginning of September until the end of March. This is the month in which we produce the lemon compote, from juicy and untreated lemons. A jelly with pieces of peel for connoisseurs. An unusual idea to accompany the roast fish or to taste in a traditional way on a slice of bread.